

My sis Tessa and I made this little video for fun this past weekend. Don't you just love summer? Cause I sure do! While at the pool we met this little girl named Grace. She was 4 years old and just adorable. She had me do a model walk to show her my swimsuit and after she said, "Wow, your suit is BEAUTIFUL!" Also she told us she was a pickle, so guys pretty much I met my best friend. Ha she was too much fun. That's her at the end there telling us to "have a fresh day".

Also, Tessa and I are the biggest dorks on the planet so like, don't mind us. We have way too much fun together. 

Anyways guys, I hope you have a WAY fresh day!

1 comment:

  1. i love this. wish me and my sister were this cool. lol


    kate from colormekate.com
