

hikingwithkit (6 of 21) hikingwithkit (18 of 21) hikingwithkit (7 of 21) hikingwithkit (2 of 21) hikingwithkit (17 of 21) hikingwithkit (5 of 21) hikingwithkit (12 of 21) hikingwithkit (10 of 21) Yesterday was a good day. A really good day. I drove down to Provo for a job interview and got a call back 30 minutes after I'd left saying I got the job. Then I got to meet one of my absolute best friends Eliza for lunch and a quick catch up, which was just what I needed to feel better about some ugh situations. The weather was absolutely BEAUTIFUL so when I got back to Salt Lake my friend Katelyn and I spontaneously decided to go on a hike up Ferguson Canyon. We laughed our bums off and took tons of goofy pictures so it was a real good time. Then to top off the magical day my good pal took me on an hour long nighttime motorcycle ride around the valley.

Ahhh it was just one of those days sent from the gods; you know where everything just seems to align perfectly and you just want to shout for joy at how blessed you are. After a crappy weekend it was absolutely what I needed to feel like life was gonna be alright ya know? Aaaand then today I got a flat tire on my way to work lolol so ya know, you win some you lose some. But the amazingness of yesterday has carried over today, keeping my spirits high. So hey, I'm not stressing yo, I'm pretty sure life is going to be a-okay. Thumbs up to that.
hikingwithkit (19 of 21) I'm thinking about pursuing a career in modeling. Or at least part-time modeling. Probably gonna have to keep my normal job though.hikingwithkit (20 of 21) Self timers lololol. hikingwithkit (9 of 21)



Hahhhh...this is the weirdest music post I've ever done. So today on this wonderful lazy Sunday I've been watching a bit of The Office and I was like WAIT HOLD UP. This is actually way good! I haven't seen this episode since it was on TV 3 years ago and I'd forgotten how great this cover was. No this isn't a joke lol dead serious, this got all the feels going. Yeah yeah I know, Sarah McLachlan is way cheesy and yeah, this show is goofy as heck....but hey. I'm feeling a little bit sentimental today so I'm digging it.



bwface (4 of 8)bwface (1 of 8)bwface (8 of 8)
Life is full of changes lately! Friends getting married, moving away, me transferring to BYU (moving to Provo in 3 weeks wait what??) I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a big fan of change (is anyone? idk) but this time around, these changes are feeling so so good. These past couple months I've been feeling in such a rut in life. Nothing particularly bad has happened these past few months, life has been fine, but nothing really that great has been happening either. I'm craving something new, a change of scenery, new challenges, meeting new people.. it's slightly terrifying but I've also never been more excited. I feel something great coming, I'm not sure what and I know these changes will bring challenges for sure, but something in me tells me that good things are on the way.

Also if anyone knows of any jobs hiring in Provo, hit me up ;)