

Photo by Braden Young
Currently I'm sitting in my bed eating a brownie. Which is a pretty happy place to be in life, lemme tell you. As I was sitting here though, I was just pondering about life and everything that it consists (who knew a brownie could bring on such deep thoughts). And I just thought to myself, "What is this life all about really??" Like okay I know what it's all about...but what makes me motivated to wake up in the morning? What keeps me going each and everyday?

Lately I've been having a bit of an identity crisis. You know, asking myself the 'who am I?' and 'why am I here questions?' I've felt like Zoolander after he doesn't win Male Model of the Year (lol).  These past several months have contained more life altering experiences than usual and it's thrown me for a bit of a loop...it's been an interesting experience to say the least. I've said here so many times that I am one that loves to have a plan. I love to know where I'm going and be able to have an idea of how things are going to turn out. I love to feel sure of myself and what I want out of life. It's why I waited for a missionary for the longest time because it seemed so solid and steadfast. Waiting made it easy to have an exact plan for my life...but sometimes the easy way isn't always the best way. And I think the Big Man Upstairs knew I needed to learn that. Hence, the many life altering decisions and situations as of late.

When things change it makes you really question and think about things. It's caused these questions in my head and made me wonder what I'm even doing here. I feel like I see people all around me who seem to have it figured out or know where they're going..know what they're passionate about. And man it stunk cause I wasn't exactly sure if I knew what I was passionate about...or who I even was.

As I've been pondering though there was one things that kept coming back into my head. Out of all the things that I had in my life that I felt passion for there was one that stood out more than the rest. And that thing was love. I feel rather silly that this is the thing that means the most to me because it's not even a THING. It's an idea really. And honestly, this makes me seem like one of those weak, silly, sappy girls...and I pride myself on being a strong, independent woman, gosh dang it! But truly, when I thought of what was motivating me in life and what I felt was the thing that I felt was my purpose, love was the only thing that came to mind. (?)

I just love to love other people. That sounds weird, but I really do. I hate it when I see someone who doesn't feel loved or feels unwanted. It hurts me to see others heartbroken. Whenever I see others I care for in pain, it truly pains me too and I want to do everything I can to fix that pain. It's weird, but I feel like the reason I'm here is to love people... It's strange to feel that way but it's the realization I've come to recently. To love people when other people haven't loved them; to know the reasons why others might judge them and to make them feel accepted. I'm extremely loyal (also probably why I love dogs so much) and love showing people that I'm there for them no matter what. I have a big love for children as well. Giving love to a little kid can change the world I think.

I'm still not sure what this newfound purpose of my life really means, but it's nice to figure out something about yourself, ya know? Thanks brownie, next time I have something to figure out in my life, I'll turn to you ;)


' M E R I C A

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So Utah has this way cool thing called the Salt Flats, which is basically just natures gift to photographers pretty sure. Sarah, Braden, and I took a mini road trip out there for a little photo adventure, and let's just say it was a blast. We got real patriotic and stuff cause we love America, you know. 

So on the way down I asked if the Salt Flats were actually salty. Everyone agreed that it would only make sense. So I said that I was going to test it out myself and give them a lick. And people, I licked those Salt Flats and they are most definitely salty! It was gross but I felt very accomplished with life. Crossing that off the bucket list! 

It's safe to say that I fell in love with the place, I mean how could you not?? It's just gorgeous. So hey, if anyone wants to go out again and take more pictures, I'll be your buddy.



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Mondays are the worst aren't they?? Ugh, I swear every week when Monday rolls around and I have to leave the wonderful weekend behind I am sadder than I ever thought possible (there I go being all dramatic again). Instead of feeling all sad about this time around I decided to do a few things to make my day a little happier. I got myself some pretty flowers, I painted my toes a summery color, and bought myself a dozen donuts from Banbury Cross, cause I mean, what day could be sad with donuts! So, I thought to myself, if I just do happy things every Monday, it wouldn't be a day to dread so much would it?? I'm a genius, I know.



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On June 14, 2014, little Jude Camden Charleworth was born and I became an aunt. It was one of the absolute happiest days of my life! He is just the most precious little bundle of joy, I can't get enough of him! I may be biased, but I don't think there has ever been a more beautiful new born baby in the history of the world. My sister Sara and brother-in-law Camden did real good in the baby-making department... Everyone was making fun of me because I wouldn't stop taking pictures of him, ha. Seriously though, I can't wait to babysit little Jude all the time and basically spoil him every chance I get! He is my new favorite human.



So this song came out about 3 years ago, so I guess I'm a little behind the times...but I just discovered it this week so it's new to me! And seriously, I'm in love. This band has been the first in a while to really get me excited, I love almost every song I've heard by them they're unreal (sorry I say unreal so much, it's whatever). Anyways, whenever I discover new music I feel it is my duty to share it with the world. So enjoy friends!



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This secluded little cabin in the mountains is one of the most charming, beautiful places I've ever been to. Hands down. I adventured up there with a friend yesterday for a lovely evening away from the hustle and bustle and seriously, it was just what the doctor ordered. It's safe to say I was gushing the WHOLE entire time. It's also safe to say that I took way to many pictures. This isn't even half people! (A few of the pictures included were taken by him).

If I could spend every single day of my life wandering around the wilderness of Utah taking pictures, I would. That would be a dream life I tell you. But for now, I only get to live a part time dream life. And hey, that's still pretty good if you ask me. 



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This past week a few friends and I adventured up a mountain for the most ridiculous sunset view ever. Seriously, I dare you to tell me there is anything more glorious than a sunset in Utah, because honestly, I'm pretty sure there isn't. I could have posted at least 17 more pictures, but I figured I would save you from all that scrolling. I know, I know, I'm so kind. 

This summer is the summer that I spend outdoors, I've decided. There are SO many amazing hikes in Utah and I have hardly done any of them, which is pretty pitiful taking into account the fact that I've lived in this place my whole life. I found this awesome list of all the best hikes in the Salt Lake area and I've done approximately two of them, and I've decided I absolutely need to change that. So hey, if you'd like to join my hiking club and knock all these out with me, I won't stop you. The more the merrier!



My sis Tessa and I made this little video for fun this past weekend. Don't you just love summer? Cause I sure do! While at the pool we met this little girl named Grace. She was 4 years old and just adorable. She had me do a model walk to show her my swimsuit and after she said, "Wow, your suit is BEAUTIFUL!" Also she told us she was a pickle, so guys pretty much I met my best friend. Ha she was too much fun. That's her at the end there telling us to "have a fresh day".

Also, Tessa and I are the biggest dorks on the planet so like, don't mind us. We have way too much fun together. 

Anyways guys, I hope you have a WAY fresh day!