

weekend 2 weekend 1 Screen Shot 2014-01-21 at 4.52.18 PMIMG_1833 IMG_1837 weekend 9 weekend 8
 We went to an event at the Air BnB and man, that place is adorable. How charming right? U+21A1.svg
weekend 4 weekend 7
I love long weekends. But let's be real, who doesn't? My younger sister was traveling to Canada to visit  a good friend and I was feeling like I needed to travel somewhere too! While Provo, Utah is not as exciting as Vancouver, I did have a delightfully fun weekend. Friday evening, my friends Shannon and Hannah drove down to Provo to meet up with my friend Eliza for the first concert in the 8th Anniversary Concert Series at the Velour. We came to see one of our favorite local bands, The National Parks. They were absolutely amazing live! I discovered them a few weeks ago and I cannot stop listening to them.

Saturday we slept in and took our sweet time getting ready, then headed up  to Park City to meet some pals at the Olympic Grand Prix Skiing Half-Pipe event. Let's just say I didn't wear appropriate shoes to hike up a snowy mountain and so was having some technical difficulties. Haha I had to be dragged up the hill because I couldn't stop slipping. Not one of my shining moments of gracefulness haha.

After a quick detour in Salt Lake on Sunday for some family stuff, we continued our mini-vacation by heading back up to Park City on Monday for the Sundance Film Festival. We wandered up and down main street, stopping in at events and keeping our eyes peeled for celebrities. We did end up seeing a few: Selena Gomez, David Cross (check out that creeper pic), Amber Tamblyn, the dad from High School Musical (lol), and Bon Jovi's bass guitarist (no I did not previously know that information, our waiter at Flanagan's conveniently told us he was sitting at the table next to us).

Shannon had a good friend who is a driver up at the festival this week and had some downtime to give us rides around. He was driving a big ol' black Yukon with tinted windows so….we had a brilliant idea. Why not spend the day making people think we were famous? So, this is how it would go: he would park on the side of the road and get people all excited, wondering who he was about to pick up. People would run over to his car and try to get him to tell them who he was waiting for. He would say it was confidential but, yes, they were definitely "famous". We'd wait a few minutes and then we'd walk down the street in our sunglasses and nonchalantly get in the car. Cue the screaming, "Oh my gosh! Who is that?? Who is that??!!", guys running over to try to take pictures through the window. Haha oh man it was thoroughly entertaining.

Well, now to wait for the next long weekend... What did you do for yours?

Here is another tune by The National Parks, because they're just too good. Enjoy! xoxo



tea time tea time 3 tea time 4 tea time 5 tea time 6
Ya know when it's positively freezing outside and you just need that certain something to warm your soul? Well here is the perfect remedy! Of course you know how much I love tea, so I'm a bit biased on this being the "perfect" winter drink, but hey, once you try it, I think you'll agree! You will need:

1 cup steamed milk (I used skim milk but you could use any milk you prefer)
1 chamomile tea bag
1 dollop of honey (as little or as much as you like, add to your tasting)
1 drop of vanilla (not too much it really needs hardly any)

Heat the milk on the stove, or with one of those fancy steamer wands if you're cool and have something like that. If not, a saucepan with a lid works just fine. Heat the milk, with the lid on, until its perfectly steamed but not burned (watch it carefully). It should take about 5-7 minutes. Pour the milk over the teabag, add the honey and vanilla, and stir. Let the tea bag steep for 3 minutes (or longer if you prefer a stronger flavor, like I do). Let cool and enjoy!



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Well. Life has been pretty quiet around here. I haven't been doing much of anything besides start a new semester of school and apply for job after job (with no luck yet). I was sick New Years Eve so I ended up staying home for the evening and watching wayyy too many episodes of New Girl. New Girl is my new favorite show by the way. Zooey Deschanel is my hero and I wanna be her best friend.

I feel like I've been in a bit of a rut since I've been home from London. Blah is the only word to describe it really (there's that word again, I told you I loved it). I've been trying to find that new thing to make me excited about life and just figure out where I'm going next, but I just feel like everything's at a stand still! It's been quite frustrating at times. 

Today though, I felt I gained a bit of new perspective. Today I realized that I just need to slow down  and breathe. It was a terribly snowy day so I was forced to move at a slow pace anyways and I decided to just go with it. And it made me realize that it's okay to not know where I'm going right now. Maybe I'll revel in the unknown a bit. And if you know me, not having a plan is probably my least favorite thing ever. But, I just have to say to myself that it will all be alright and I will figure everything out! Even if it doesn't seem like it right now. 

I haven't completely thrown caution to the wind though, there's still a bit of my plan-making-self in there! So, I made a few resolutions for the New Year (just like everyone else lol). Here are mine:
1. Get back into the habit of journaling on a weekly basis.
2. Make temple-going a weekly thing as well.
3. Be kinder to the one's I love. 
4. Better my photography and learn the art of videography.

What are your resolutions? I'd love if you shared! xoxo