

artfulblogging (7 of 7) artfulblogging (1 of 7) artfulblogging (4 of 7) artfulblogging (3 of 7) artfulblogging (5 of 7)
SO GUYS. My blog is being featured in the Spring Edition of Artful Blogging magazine. The spread includes a short article and few photos I've taken; it really is surreal to see my work in print! There are some pretty cool blogs and photos in this issue, it's been such a treat to flip through and see the ways other bloggers have been inspired! There are so many talented people out there, not sure if I deserve to stand next to them, but I'm honored nonetheless. To buy this issue or subscribe to the magazine, click here

I've been thinking a lot about this blog and what I really want to do with it in the future. If I'll keep blogging....what I want to create....what I want to share with others... I'm still not sure how things will evolve this year, but I do want to say that it really has been an amazing experience. I've connected with some awesome people and had some neat opportunities as a result. I've also received some sweet words telling me how my words have helped individuals, which honestly is enough for to keep wanting to share! There are so many bloggers out there who have inspired me artistically, spiritually and in so many other ways, if I can help even one with what I post here, I'll have accomplished all I wanted to do. Xoxo.



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Seriously guys I have the hardest time making decisions. The problem is that I feel ten ways about every single situation. One second I'll have made up my mind about something and then two seconds later I feel the exact opposite about it. Does anyone else have this problem? I don't know sometimes I feel like I'm some sort of super-sensitive, over-feeling freak of nature ;)



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This week has been a wonderful one. Full of friends, relaxing, and fun. I had two friends with birthdays so lots of parties and girls lunches. It's been lovely. I've also been watching a lot of Grey's Anatomy because that show is addicting. Can you say 8 seasons in 4 weeks? Can you say pathetic?? Thoughts going through my head every time I watch:
1. I feel like I could be surgeon with all my medical knowledge. Is this show even accurate? Maybe I should do some fact checking, but I dunno they sound pretty legit.
2. I feel like it would be pretty fun to play a doctor on TV.
3. Also I think it would be pretty fun to get to make out with Derek Shepherd everyday...?
4. If this was real life, all of these people would be in an insane asylum. Mass shootings in the hospital? Plane crashes? Miscarriages? Husbands/wives/babies/everyone dying from cancer/strokes/bus accidents/Alzheimers.... seriously what group of individuals has that horrible of luck?
5. Are doctors really hooking up with each other this much? If yes then I'm going to medical school.
6. I need to get a life.

I'm taking the semester off, cause I'm figuring some things out. And also I just needed a break, so ya know lots of free time without homework. It's been lovely just focusing on work! And also lovely to have a lot of free time. I"m trying to find productive things to fill my time, hopefully I'll get some awesome projects in the works here. Everyone needs a break sometimes I say. 



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Happy New Year!! Well okay, it's been the new year for like 10 days now... so I'm a little late but hey! 2015 is here and I'm stoked about it.

2014 was a great year. I learned so so much, more than I ever have I think. I've grown more this year than any other in the past and am so proud of the strides that I've made in learning about who I am and where I want to go. It's been a tough year, but that toughness is where the growth came for so I sure am thankful for it! 

The New Year started off grand. I celebrated with family earlier in the evening and then later ventured up to a friends cabin for all sorts of midnight shenanigans. We counted down, kissed, hugged, hoorayed, and then ran downstairs for a little impromptu dance party of sorts. We're a weird bunch of hooligans, but hey, we know how to have a good time.

So...resolutions. Everyone makes them. Every year I make them. But for some reason I've never been a fan. I've always just made them because I felt like I was supposed to make them. Yeah I know I can constantly be improving, and YES I definitely do have serious goals for this year. But, I don't know, it always just seems so silly to me to sit down at the beginning of every year and make all these lofty goals...when we can't even remember what we resolved to do last year. I know some people are great at keeping them but I think I fit into the vast majority of those who forget about their resolutions by February.

So this year I said no more! I decided I'm going to try something different. Instead of making yearly resolutions, I decided that I am going to make daily resolutions. Making a goal at the beginning of each day and sticking to it is much easier, am I right? I feel this way I will accomplish so much more. Each morning (or evening before) I will sit down and write down what I want to accomplish for the day. How do I want to improve? What do I want to get done? Etc. At the end of the day I'll look back. I'll see what I accomplished...and what I still need to work on. The next day, I'll work on the things from the previous day that were not accomplished and add new tasks to get done as well.

I feel like the reason I, and so many others don't accomplish what we say we will is because we go a day or even a few days without doing what we said we would. Or we slip up and go back to old habits, so we get discouraged and think, oh well I'm already so far gone this year, maybe next year.

Each day is a new day. And taking this whole life thing a day at a time is something I haven't been good at, but know I need to do. Today may have sucked but tomorrow could be awesome! Wake up in the morning and think about the day, not the whole year. Thinking about the whole year right from the beginning is like reading the first two sentences of a book and saying you know how it's going to go, and how it's going to end. You have to take into account each individual day, each individual up and down, for what it is. It's not going to be clear right at the beginning, so looking at smaller chunks of it at a time is much more doable, and much less daunting. 

So my only resolution this year is to take it a day at a time. And to work daily to be better. Life is constantly changing, we must adjust each day accordingly.