

Untitled glasses (2 of 8) Untitled
Honestly honestly I have never had a pair of glasses that I've loved. When I'm standing there at the eye doctor trying on seven million pairs, I always feel so overwhelmed and end up picking frames impulsively (and rarely do impulsive decisions pay off for me). That's what I love about this new online try-on thing that's going on these days. I can scroll through hundreds and hundreds of options, narrow it down to my faves and then have them sent to my house to spend a week mulling over...asking 700 of my closest Facebook friends for their opinions (lol). 

A couple weeks ago I ordered a home try-on box from Glasses.com and fell in love with these. They just came in the mail the other day and I'm OBSESSED. I have never loved a pair of frames on my face more. I've been wearing them everyday I'm so stoked about them...and guys....I NEVER where glasses out in public. A few people have even asked if I just got a prescription.. lol no I've worn glasses since 8th grade, just always hid the fact away by wearing contacts every day. Hooray for glasses that I feel cute in! 



  1. they're adorable!! tortoise shell glasses are so in right now. :)

    i love buying glasses online and being able to test them out for a bit. it helps me immensely because i too am so indecisive when it comes to glasses!

  2. These look great on you! I have always struggled with this, too! I found some recently from Warby Parker that I love, I just need to get my butt in gear and actually order them!

  3. You should be on Bloglovin or have your Bloglovin button somewhere on your site because I want to have your blog in my feed! :)

    1. I definitely should! Don't know why I haven't before haha.
