So today started off horribly. Ugh. You know it was just one
of those days where everything was just not going my way.
To start off, I woke up to a text telling me that the house
my friend and I were planning to rent this fall was no longer available. It was
supposed to be a sure thing and suddenly it was just gone! WHAT?? Guys, it was
the PERFECT house. Perfect location, perfect roommates, perfect price. And it
was incredibly adorable. The disappointment was real.
Then… on my way to work, I realized that in my fluster in
getting ready in the early morning I’d somehow managed to wear my black bra
with the sheerest of white shirts…. Guys I looked like a ho. There was no time
to turn back and change, I was already late to work. I swear people, sometimes
my life is just one big awkward moment.
Finally, at work I had a meeting with my boss to go over
plans for the future. I’d had my life all mapped out for this coming semester
and after the meeting I wasn’t sure what to do. I have three job opportunities
for the fall and I thought I’d made up my mind on which ones I was going to
take. But after the meeting I suddenly was panicked, not sure if I’d made the
was just throwing me for a loop! I swear, every time I feel like I have
everything figured out, I realize I absolutely don’t.
So, I left work to go grab some food, cause food makes
everything better (lol). As I sat at the longest stop light everrrr, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, I was hit with the most
overwhelming feeling of how blessed I am. I suddenly thought about the many
people in my life that I love and that love me and I was overwhelmed with how I
grateful I was for them. And geez… really?? Am I really complaining about having TOO many awesome opportunities?
People would KILL to have TOO many opportunities, there are so many who don’t
have enough. It was the most beautiful, simple of moments. I swear, just like that, my day was turned
around. I just knew, that everything would work out okay, even though it wasn’t
clear how. I was overcome with emotions of gratitude and joy. I said a quick
prayer of thanks to my Heavenly Father for this tender mercy, and drove on.
Life is never as bad as we think guys. There is a bright side to every situation.
loved that post. I feel the same way too much. But it is so good to remember yourself how richly blessed you truly are. This is one of the reasons why I tattooed the word "blessed" on my arm. Just a beautiful reminder :) loved reading it.
I love that! It's good to always have that reminder.
mmm thank youuu kate.
ReplyDeleteLove you Carl!
A great reminder! And I always say to myself, "The bad won't last forever." - sarah
ReplyDeleteIt's true it definitely won't. I needed that reminder badly yesterday, it was good it came when it did.