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Utah is finally looking like Utah again, and it sure is beautiful. I'm not big on winter or cold or snowy dangerous roads, but when the world look like this, it's hard to find a reason to complain. And since it does look quite lovely, Sarah and I decided to take a trip up into the mountains to take a few pictures. Behind us, there were a bunch of sledders staring at us like we were crazy, but honey badger don't care.

Christmas was lovely. It was a day filled with family and loved ones and it was truly magical and joyful. I was gifted mostly clothes and gift cards (every girls dream am I right?) Now that Christmas is over, I plan on spending the rest of the Christmas break relaxing and eating and figuring out what I want to do for the New Year. Also I plan on watching every single episode of Grey's Anatomy. I'm obsessed #help.

I'm not big on New Years Resolutions because I never seem to keep them, but I love to make a list of things to focus on. General things to think about and improve on if I can. I'm hoping to work on my creativity a bit this year among other things. What are you guys hoping to focus on?



christmas (7 of 14) christmas (3 of 14) christmas (6 of 14) christmas (8 of 14) christmas (12 of 14) christmas (14 of 14) christmas (5 of 14)
WOW HI! Where have I been? Has it really been a month?? Gosh I can't believe it's been that long since I've posted. Ahh well, GUYS! School is over and I'M OVER THE MOON. SO EXCITED I MUST TYPE IN ALL CAPS. Gosh it's just the most wonderful feeling to sit down on Sunday night and be like, "Crap, how much homework do I have due tomorrow?? How long is my to-do list?" and then suddenly realizing that you have zero homework and your to-do list is nonexistent. The feeling is straight up euphoric and I'm considering never going back to school so I can feel this way always and forever. 

This time of year is my favorite. Everyone is all warm and fuzzy inside and I tend to get sentimental about just about everything. I wear my comfiest sweats all day long and, if you're looking for me, you can find me snuggled in with hot chocolate and a good movie. It's all cold and frosty outside so you gotta hold hands and get close to stay warm...and everyone is just filled with so much love and giving, it's just magical. Not to mention, Christ's name and message is constantly floating through the air...each December I'm reminded of how grateful I am for Him and for the amazing gift He is to this world. Is there anything bad about December? I'm tellin' ya I don't think there is.

Utah has forgotten who she is this year and decided that we don't have the best snow on earth? Or something? It's all anyone is talking about these days: Where the cuss is the freaking snow?? All of our fretting hearts are being put to rest however, as Mr. Weatherman has given us the forecast of snowfall for Christmas Day. I think everyone is a bit giddy about it. Hooray for white Christmases and happiness and joy. The end.



This song is quite a simple one, but it is definitely one of my favorites lately. And since I haven't shared music in a while I thought I would tell you guys about this one. Have a listen and have a happy Thursday!



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This is a little reservoir up American Fork Canyon in Utah. Although it is simple, it is magically beautiful. One of my dear friends Shannon and I went up there on a little adventure this past week on our way down to Provo. Can't have a mini road trip without a detour up the mountains is what I always say (actually I have never said that....but new rule). 

So lately I've been thinking a lot about so many things in my life. Everything has been going just fine. Nothing too horrible to speak of. But, at the same time, there is nothing too amazing happening either. I mean I have the BEST friends and we have been having positively lovely times together lately. It has been really great. But I just can't shake this feeling that there is something missing from my life...ya know? Have you ever felt that? 

I'm going to school, I'm working on a major in PR and Marketing which is a great fit for me. I'm doing an internship at an advertising agency and it's giving me great experience. And I do communications work for the University of Utah...so that's giving me super awesome experiences as well. On paper, I'm exactly on the right path. 

But....there's this strange little voice inside me that is telling me something is amiss. I'm on my way to figuring it out. I will keep you posted on that front (vague much?? lol sorry).

Someone posted this quote on Instagram and I just absolutely loved it. It doesn't really have much to do with what I just said but these words just came to me at such a perfect time and I just love them so much I just thought I would share.

"Sometimes in life, things get complicated. People over-think things, over-analyze, hurt those they love and assume before they find out the facts. It's human nature though. We aren't perfect and I'm learning this more and more each day as I ponder my own failings. Everybody is flawed and deserves a second chance. Sometimes we just weren't ready to make it right the first time. We're only human. So remember that." -Unknown

None of us are perfect. We are all just trying to figure out life and sometimes it can be hard and complicated and sometimes we can make mistakes. So let's all just be kind to each other and give people the benefit of the doubt. Let's give people second chances to make things right and to do things better. Who's with me??

The end. xoxo.



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These beautiful ladies are two of my very best friends, Eliza and Shannon. Eliza is a wonderful musician and needed some pictures for a music class assignment. Shannon is just gorgeous and needed some professional pictures for work. So, we went up into the mountains for a little adventure last week.

I love taking pictures of people. I have to say it's my favorite subject matter for photography. Humans are just so intriguing and lovely and I love being able to catch them in the right light at the right time.... So hey if anyone needs their picture taken, I would love to do it for you. Shoot me and email! 



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So guys, I love Taylor Swift. Shamelessly. She is wonderful and relatable and I want to be here best friend. Just ask anyone in my family and they will tell you how embarrassingly obsessed I am with her. I'm one short step away from having a creepy fan/stalker account and commenting heartfelt monologues on her Instagram pictures. But you know, I try to keep most of the obsessions in my life on a somewhat sane level. I feel it's only healthy.  

So her new album came out just over a week ago (really? I don't think anyone knew) and I was a bit skeptical if I was going to like it. I love love love Fearless and Speak Now but wasn't a HUGE fan of Red #sorrynotsorry. I know I'm in the small percentage that didn't love it, but anyways moving on.

I've gotta say, after listening to 1989.... I love it. I think it's brilliantly written and just as relatable as all of her other albums. Kudos Taylor. Her decision to switch over to pop I think is a success honestly. And I'm feelin' like everyone agrees (I died at this parody). I mean really, she's pretty much been pop for a while now, we were all just waiting for her to make it official.

Although this album is much different than her other stuff, you listen and can still tell it's Taylor which is exactly what makes it so great! And guys, "Wildest Dreams" is just spot on. Pretty sure I went all white girl and couldn't even after I listened to it. 

Well T.Swift, I gotta say, you've done it again. xoxo 



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Happy halloween friends. Have fun tricking and treating tonight. Don't get too spooked! Or do, if you like getting scared (I do, being scared is fun yo). Tonight I'm dressing as Viper from Top Gun. I'll post pictures later. xoxo



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Contrary to popular belief, I am still alive and I do still think about this little bloggy blog. The thing is, sometimes I wake up in the morning and I'm not even sure which way's up....let alone what day it is. Life this semester in school has been hectic (to say the least). And I have had quite a bit on my mind as of late that sometimes I sit down to write a post and I'm not even sure what to say! Trying to spare the Internet from as much word vomit/nonsense as possible (you're welcome). But life is good and happy because it's fall in Utah and there are few things better than that. Sometimes I look up at the colorful mountains and I just can't help but smile cause holy cow, neature is beautiful. 

I turn 22 in like 5 days and it's my golden birthday so that's pretty happy too. But also freaking out that it's possible that I'm that old because I feel like I am far too young to be 22. Life moves so fast am I right?? I swear two days ago I was 15 and had braces and was crying because I was pretty sure a boy would never kiss me. Lol not much has changed... ;)