

christmas (7 of 14) christmas (3 of 14) christmas (6 of 14) christmas (8 of 14) christmas (12 of 14) christmas (14 of 14) christmas (5 of 14)
WOW HI! Where have I been? Has it really been a month?? Gosh I can't believe it's been that long since I've posted. Ahh well, GUYS! School is over and I'M OVER THE MOON. SO EXCITED I MUST TYPE IN ALL CAPS. Gosh it's just the most wonderful feeling to sit down on Sunday night and be like, "Crap, how much homework do I have due tomorrow?? How long is my to-do list?" and then suddenly realizing that you have zero homework and your to-do list is nonexistent. The feeling is straight up euphoric and I'm considering never going back to school so I can feel this way always and forever. 

This time of year is my favorite. Everyone is all warm and fuzzy inside and I tend to get sentimental about just about everything. I wear my comfiest sweats all day long and, if you're looking for me, you can find me snuggled in with hot chocolate and a good movie. It's all cold and frosty outside so you gotta hold hands and get close to stay warm...and everyone is just filled with so much love and giving, it's just magical. Not to mention, Christ's name and message is constantly floating through the air...each December I'm reminded of how grateful I am for Him and for the amazing gift He is to this world. Is there anything bad about December? I'm tellin' ya I don't think there is.

Utah has forgotten who she is this year and decided that we don't have the best snow on earth? Or something? It's all anyone is talking about these days: Where the cuss is the freaking snow?? All of our fretting hearts are being put to rest however, as Mr. Weatherman has given us the forecast of snowfall for Christmas Day. I think everyone is a bit giddy about it. Hooray for white Christmases and happiness and joy. The end.

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful! Have yourself a merry merry Christmas! x
