

shanandi (9 of 11) shanandi (4 of 11) shanandi (2 of 11) shanandi (7 of 11) shanandi (10 of 11) shanandi (1 of 11)
This is a little reservoir up American Fork Canyon in Utah. Although it is simple, it is magically beautiful. One of my dear friends Shannon and I went up there on a little adventure this past week on our way down to Provo. Can't have a mini road trip without a detour up the mountains is what I always say (actually I have never said that....but new rule). 

So lately I've been thinking a lot about so many things in my life. Everything has been going just fine. Nothing too horrible to speak of. But, at the same time, there is nothing too amazing happening either. I mean I have the BEST friends and we have been having positively lovely times together lately. It has been really great. But I just can't shake this feeling that there is something missing from my life...ya know? Have you ever felt that? 

I'm going to school, I'm working on a major in PR and Marketing which is a great fit for me. I'm doing an internship at an advertising agency and it's giving me great experience. And I do communications work for the University of Utah...so that's giving me super awesome experiences as well. On paper, I'm exactly on the right path. 

But....there's this strange little voice inside me that is telling me something is amiss. I'm on my way to figuring it out. I will keep you posted on that front (vague much?? lol sorry).

Someone posted this quote on Instagram and I just absolutely loved it. It doesn't really have much to do with what I just said but these words just came to me at such a perfect time and I just love them so much I just thought I would share.

"Sometimes in life, things get complicated. People over-think things, over-analyze, hurt those they love and assume before they find out the facts. It's human nature though. We aren't perfect and I'm learning this more and more each day as I ponder my own failings. Everybody is flawed and deserves a second chance. Sometimes we just weren't ready to make it right the first time. We're only human. So remember that." -Unknown

None of us are perfect. We are all just trying to figure out life and sometimes it can be hard and complicated and sometimes we can make mistakes. So let's all just be kind to each other and give people the benefit of the doubt. Let's give people second chances to make things right and to do things better. Who's with me??

The end. xoxo.


  1. Gorgeous photos!! It would be wonderful to live within driving distance of a place like this. The mountains here in GA don't even compare...

    Simply Olivia Blog

  2. I'm with you on this! Beautiful words accompanied with breath taking views! Amazing post <3
