So friends, I thought I would share with you my current obsessions as of now. I am quite fickle, meaning these obsessions will no doubt change in a month or I'll probably have to do another one of these posts in just a few! But here are 10 things I currently can't live with out!

| 1 | Kettle Brand Chips - Salt & Vinegar
So these chips are without a doubt the absolute best potato chips in existence. They have a bunch of different flavors besides this one (Sriracha is probably my #2 fave), and they're all good, but this one has long been my go to. Don't open a bag unless you're feeling in the mood to eat the whole thing cause I promise you won't be able to eat just one.
| 2 | Speculoos Crunchy Cookie Butter
GUYS. This stuff is too good to be true. If you've never had it, get on it PRONTO. Basically it's like peanut butter (ya know, same consistency) but it tastes like gingerbread cookies. And holy, it's heaven. I eat it with everything, fruit, toast, a spoon....judge me now but the second you try it, you'll be doing it too.

| 3 | Gilmore Girls
This show has long been in my top five, it seriously is so funny and so addicting. Once you start watching it you can't stop! My family has all seven seasons on DVD and we've been binge watching them the past couple weeks. I don't think I'll ever get sick of it.
| 4 | Sin-Min Horchata Lipbalm
So a blogger I follow posted about this on her Instagram a couple weeks ago and I ordered some on a whim. And I have to say, best decision I've made lately. First off, it tastes AMAZING, which is always a plus. Second, it is one of the best lipbalms I've ever used. It has an amazing consistency and it makes my lips softer than they've ever been. Do yourself a favor and order some
| 5 | Dried Apricots
I don't know why but I've always loved dried apricots? Like I crave them...One of the few healthy things I ever crave. So hey, there's that.
| 6 | Umberto Dry Shampoo
To whoever invented dry shampoo: you're a genius and I love you. As a gal with naturally curly hair, when I actually get around to styling it, I will do anything to not have to wash it for a couple days. I've tried a couple brands and I have to say this is definitely my favorite. It's a wee bit pricier but it's worth it!
| 7 | Cherry Wine - Hozier
So I've been listening to this song nonstop the past week, it's so freaking good. I know this is will be on my list of favorites for quite a while. There are several songs I'm obsessed with right now, I was having a hard time deciding which one to share, so! Check out my
Spotify playlist to see what else I'm listening to.
| 8 | Dirty Diet Coke
It seems that this flavored soda thing is a trend that's taking over, and I have to say I'm right on board. I will shamelessly admit that Diet Coke has been my weakness for quite some time. And now that they've added coconut and lime to's turned into something like an addiction. They try to make me go to rehab but I say no no nooo (really my mom and sister beg me to stop drinking the poison on the day it will sink in).

| 9 | Trader Joe's Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
My sister Sara had these at her house a few months ago and the second I tried one, all other peanut butter cups were ruined for me. They are SO good. I've started making special trips out to Trader Joe's just for them.

| 10 | Hawaiian Sandals
So guys, I know these sandals are not really much of a fashion statement...but I'm obsessed with them. They are. So. Comfortable. I wear them more than I should probably admit with outfits that I probably shouldn't wear them with, but I don't care. They are my new faves.
Well friends, there you have it! Share your favorites and link them below, I'd love to check them out!