A view from West London |
A J.M.W. Turner |
The view from East London |
All my friends are dead |
Pucker up Shakespeare |
So the other day my friends Sarah, Kensington, and I were feeling real artsy so decided to venture across the Thames to the Tate Modern. And, as you can see, we had a real fun time. We admired all the modern art andddddd also made fun of some of the modern art. Some of that stuff is weird guys...like you can't just project a blue screen on a wall and say it invokes the feelings of terminal illness. Am I right?? Haha but overall I really really enjoyed it.
Since I've been studying art history here I've started to gain more of an appreciation for art and the meanings behind it. I get so excited when I see pieces or artists that I recognize or techniques of painting that I've learned about in class! So of course, when I saw J.M.W. Turner and Picasso I had a mini heart attack about it! I'm a nerd, I know.
I also really loved that America one, but that doesn't really have anything to do with what I've been studying, I just love it cause I'm from 'Merica and stuff...and also it was just really cool lookin'.
After a while we just got way silly with the pictures. It was just such a fun day. I just love all these opportunities I have in London. Oh, a free afternoon? Why I don't i just hop over to the art museum! I don't think I could ever get sick of it here.
the view from east side london might be my favorite