

notebook (18 of 18)So about a year ago, I invested in a Moleskine Journal and it is one of the best decisions I've ever made. I wasn't quite sure how I would use it when I first bought it, but it has turned into the place where I express my creativity. I use it to journal and write down thoughts creatively, whether it be in poetry form or otherwise; I write down quotes I like and doodle little things in it that come to my mind. In addition to that, these books are filled with a whole lot of feelings haha. I have another journal that I write down day-to-day thoughts and happenings, but this is specifically for me to express and get inspired. It's not perfect, I wouldn't call myself any kind of super talented artist or poet, but doing it bring me so much joy. I'm on my second journal now and am almost done with it, I can't wait to start another one! I thought I'd share just a few of my little doodles, just for fun. Enjoy!
notebook (16 of 18) notebook (15 of 18)LOL one night a friend and I were talking on the phone and we said this ^. We were laughing so hard and decided to make it our life motto, so of course I wrote it down. Haha it's probably only funny to me.
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  1. You have no idea how much i appreciate this. I am with you 10000000%.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Brooke! You're the absolute sweetest.
