

So Brooke Taylor posted on her blog just the other day about when stupid people hurt your feelings. And I love her for it because EVERYONE can relate. Sometimes when a boy breaks up with me or I'm rejected by some job that I totally thought I was qualified for or didn't get into the school I wanted, in my head I know (I KNOW) that it probably wasn't the right thing and I should be grateful it didn't work out. But yet, my heart is still hurt and I'm still just a little bit bitter about it. Because when ANYONE is telling you that you aren't good enough or cool enough to hang out with, it hurts...no matter how much you tell yourself you don't care.

BUT HEY. Life is still awesome and you're still awesome. And when you let it go you realize what that better thing was that was waiting around the corner. The hurt feelings settle and we laugh about how much we cared about what this person or job or school thought about us.

I recently was broken up with by a guy who I knew wasn't right for me, but I realllly let it get to me. Throughout the relationship I hadn't felt sure about it and had always felt he was a bit more into it than I was and then all of a sudden...he wasn't and I was left like, "Wait what the heck just happened??" And to top it all off he broke up with me through a text. A TEXT. Yeah, I know. That right there should've been enough for me to know it wasn't worth it. Looking back on it now, I think I was more upset by the rejection than the actual thing itself which is so dumb. I knew it wouldn't have been right and that it was probably for the best, yet I still felt so hurt by the whole thing... I mean honestly he is a great guy, a truly truly wonderful person who I had lots of fun with, and yes it was sad that it ended. But he wasn't my guy and even though I knew it, I let it stress me out. Such a silly situation now! Haha but that's why I love this song...doesn't it just describe all of this so perfectly?? Let it go. Just let be. 


  1. oh heck i love james bay! and man this song is so good! the best part is life is definitely more fun than it is sucky. x

    1. Right isn't this song amazing?? It's so true, life is mostly all wonderful and there are so so many amazing people in this world who make it worth living and that's so awesome.

  2. James Bay is truly amazing. His voice is beyond beautiful.

    And text, seriously? Wow. But James Bay is right. Just let it go, let it be. :)

    Beautiful blog x

    Naturally Jes
