Why is having insomnia such a trend these days?? Haha I don't get it but it makes me laugh. I don't know if I have insomnia but I've had sleep issues for as long as I can remember...guys come on I couldn't sleep wayyy before it was trendy lol.
Especially lately though, I've been having the hardest time sleeping. Some of it is probably due to stress (tons of decision making going on here), but I swear.... I go through phases like this where for like a week or even a couple of weeks in a row getting to sleep will be a struggle. Some nights lately I've been awake till 5 or 6 am, just laying there staring at my ceiling (and watching tons of Friends) when I'll finally conk out for a couple of hours from pure exhaustion. And some of these nights I am soooo tired when I get in bed and don't feel the least bit stressed, but yet I can't sleep.
Then all of a sudden, for whatever reason, my body realizes that sleep is good and everything is fine again! What is that? It's the weirdest cycle. Honestly, why are some people super good at sleeping and others can't quite seem to figure out how to do it? It's lame. Straight up lame
When it comes to sleep remedies, I feel like I've tried it all. Some have worked great. Others have been sort of meh. But I have not yet found a cure all to my sleep problems. *Sigh*
- Melatonin is definitely helpful...except it gives you the weirdest dreams, what's that about?
- Zzzquil is great for when you just need something to knock you out quick...but also tends to make you feel a bit groggy in the morning.
- Chamomile Tea before bed with a good book or Netflix is a great way to calm down if your still feeling wound up from the day. But it doesn't always make me feel drowsy and really that's the part I often need help with.
- Making sure to do some sort of exercise during the day is important to getting a good nights rest. Sitting on my bum all day long usually results in lots of pent up energy and cramped muscles that always seem to start screaming at night. The days I head to the gym usually result in better, more restful nights. But it's not foolproof... some days I work out and still can't sleep so honestly, I just don't know people.
I have come to terms with the fact that I really am more of a night person, for some reason the night is usually when I get a burst of energy. It's like 9 o'clock hits and I'm all "LET'S CURE CANCER! WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY RUNNING 5 MILES! WHO WANTS TO PARTY!"
I have this dream where I'm this awesome morning person who goes to bed early, wakes up at 6 am and gets tons of stuff done in the morning. I'm trying! I believe that dreams can come true! Haha once I figure out how to fall asleep at a regular time every night, maybe it will happen.
My fellow sleepless friends!! What are your proven sleep remedies? Help a sister out!